
"I'm brave but I'm chicken shit"

Di Google, portabilità, 640Kb e noodles

Via Massimo Morelli, ho trovato questo post di Joel Spolsky. E’ un po’ lungo, ma ne vale la pena.

E’ anche divertente:

As a programmer, thanks to plummeting memory prices, and CPU speeds doubling every year, you had a choice. You could spend six months rewriting your inner loops in Assembler, or take six months off to play drums in a rock and roll band, and in either case, your program would run faster. Assembler programmers don’t have groupies.


And your programmers are like, jeez louise, GMail is huge, we can’t port GMail to this stupid NewSDK. We’d have to change every line of code. Heck it’d be a complete rewrite; the whole programming model is upside down and recursive and the portable programming language has more parentheses than even Google can buy. The last line of almost every function consists of a string of 3,296 right parentheses. You have to buy a special editor to count them.

(Nerd alert!)






6 risposte a “Di Google, portabilità, 640Kb e noodles”

  1. Avatar Emanuele

    Favoloso 😀

    Comunque dice la verità, le parentesi abbondano.

  2. Avatar Marco Fabbri

    Eccezionale, come molti altri post/articoli/${PLAIN_AWASOME_PIECE_OF_WRITING}s di Joel Spolsky, tra cui consiglio “Advice for Computer Science College Students”:

    “[…]if you can’t explain why while (*s++ = *t++); copies a string, or if that isn’t the most natural thing in the world to you, well, you’re programming based on superstition, as far as I’m concerned: a medical doctor who doesn’t know basic anatomy, passing out prescriptions based on what the pharma sales babe said would work.”

    e “The Guerilla Guide to Interviewing”:

    “They are having a good ol’ time learning C or Pascal in college, until one day they professor introduces pointers, and suddenly, they don’t get it. They just don’t understand anything any more. 90% of the class goes off and becomes Political Science majors, then they tell their friends that there weren’t enough good looking members of the appropriate sex in their CompSci classes, that’s why they switched. For some reason most people seem to be born without the part of the brain that understands pointers.”

  3. Avatar Dario Salvelli

    Mi sa di esserci passato non so per cosa tempo fa da Joel. Ehehe divertenti cmq questi passi sui linguaggi!

  4. Avatar nessuno77

    un traduttore grazie:))